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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Passion dies, passion survives

So, for a Valentines Day night out, me and J went to a boat, the Fitzcarraldo shored up in Canning Dock here in Liverpool for an evening of short films, promoted by the FACT arts centre. First time I've done a night of this type.

I used to be well into me films, probably owing to the fact that I was doing Cultural Studies as a first degree and took all the film options. In addition to that, my dissertation was on Ken Loach and realist film. However despite going to about a film a week in those days, and making occasional trips to the National Film Theatre, it was always for feature length beans.

Since the end of my degree though, 6 years ago, I have gradually lost interest, and I get to about 6 or 7 films a year now. Went to see the Ramones documentary feature on Sunday but that really is a rare outing.

Certainly an odd setting, this boat, for a film night but it's that which appealed really. The main thing to come out of the night for me though was to notice just how different my attitude is to film these days.

Needless to say the films were very disparate - some animation, some hand-held footage and what have you. Now, in the past I would have defended the wonder of creativity and experimenting with form now, upon leaving the venue, the main thought in my mind was 'what a load of old wank'. In fairness there were some really good ideas in there, and thats what a showcase is all about.

However this also made me think that these changes in attitude do not seem to have followed through to music, where I will happily describe mostly unlistenable distorted electronica as 'glitchy and chaotic frenzy'.

I guess that comes mostly from trying to see the best in everything, and reveal likes in favour of dislikes - cos that be the VP code. Yet certainly it also comes from the fact that I am still passionate about music. Wanting to hear new and interesting stuff is the reason VP exists.

When it comes to film though, the passion really has largely disappeared. Maybe it's that I need to be 'involved' and focused to retain interest in anything. Maybe then that's the reason Vanity Project exists. Tis all self self self.

But you already knew that, didn't you?


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